An innovative platform

Real-time market data


Our prices are based on the spot price also called the paper price. This is the electronic price of the metal shared instantaneously over the world. We give you a real time access to this price.


Your orders are also processed in real-time, you receive instant confirmation of the execution, including the numbers of the bars involved.


Our tracker will execute limit prices at the exact second the specified price is matched by the market. In this case, you will also receive an execution confirmation by email.

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An advanced order system

Only Provide Pure Bullion

At Bunker Gold&Silver, you only can buy Gold, Silver and Platinum bars that strictly follow "The Chain of Integrity", hence insuring the purity of the bars. All our bars are sourced directly from the world's leading refiners who are certified by The International Regulation entity LBMA (London Bullion Market Association).

Gold Bullion Silver Bullion Platinum Bullion

Bunker Blog

Gold, Silver and Platinum Production Costs In 2023

In 2023, the production of gold, silver, and platinum revealed distinct cost structures and profitability trends driven by geological, operational, and geopolitical factors.

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