Why negative interest rates are inevitable

ArticleBanking crisisMay 15, 2018 - 7:11:45 AM

The big six central banks now own 40% of global GDP, which is more than double the 17% they held before the financial crisis.

As central bankers have successfully showcased its ways of producing monetary fraud by suppressing interest rates to erode peoples savings and printing money at unprecedented speed to buy assets to create artificial wealth effects, it seems too late for the economy to ever kick back to a traditional fashion of natural price discovery and a thriving middle class.

Today, as this remarkable chart shows from Citi, central banks around the world own a grand total of $21 trillion dollars worth of assets and rising. The big six central banks now own 40% of global GDP, which is more than double the 17% they held before the financial crisis…

Source: goldtelegraph.com